
Third Eye, Kundalini, and Light Body Activation - Learn the Science, the Art and Practice to awaken your full potential today!

AWAKEN Your Third Eye

You will learn simple yet effective methods to awaken your Third-Eye the TRUE eye for vision of TRUTH.  You will instantly learn to SEE beyond the physical dimension with powerful techniques that have taken Master Kambo nearly 30 years to refine as an art and science. You will be amazed at how simple it can be to awaken your consciousness to higher dimensions of reality when guided by a true master.

Kundalini and Light Body Activation

Learn about the Advanced Chakra System discovered by Master Kambo during Enlightenment.  A system Consisting of 15 Chakras NOT just the 7 Body Chakras.

Balance your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects to awaken your Kundalini Energy and activate your Bio-Field's Light Body with a combination of Kamo Breathwork and Qi Energy. 

The powerful techniques you will learn will provide super-human levels of Energy,  activating your TRUE Higher Self, and awakening your DEMi-GOD within.


I am..

Master Kambo

aka Kam Dhadwar

your coach.

your friend.

Most would describe me as a father, husband, and entrepreneur. A fun and loveable guy.  But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve and BECOME SUPER-HUMAN.

I am a Certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner and Time Line Therapist since 2006. I am also the Creator of Kamotion QiGong and Kamo Breathwork, which were founded in 2015 after learning various breathwork and qigong from masters over 15 years.  

Whilst I started my true Spiritual Journey very young at age of 15 I was reading the Opening of the Third Eye by Dr Douglas Baker which had many practical techniques but took me many years to master.  With a combination of many methods and training under many Masters over 20 years.  I finally had my own Kundalini Awakening in 2015 and Gained TRUE Enlightenment in early 2021, which guided me to start The MiND of MATTER and share the techniques with humanity so that others could experience the MAGiC!

Join me on a journey of healing, self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic ENERGY with confidence.  Unlock your Demi-GOD Potential!

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