The 4 Main Types of Qi felt in the body

energy work kamotion qi-gong nei-gong neidan qi-gong Jan 02, 2024

Yang Qi - A bio-electrical current that moves through the channels in a liquid fluid-like manner.

Yin Qi - A feeling of magnetism that bends and stretches, forms the paths for electrical Yang Qi to flow through.

Fire Qi - Felt as a shaking or vibrating pathway that moves along the length of channels.

Water Qi - experienced as a kind of heaviness within the body, like gravity suddenly got stronger and started to pull you down from your insides.

At first, most Beginners to Qi-Gong will generate and connect more with a distorted form of Yin Qi, as water Qi, and a distorted form of Yang Qi which is Fire Qi.

Through the consistent practice of working with Yin and Yang as Fire and Water Qi, it will purify to a level where the Yang and Yi Qi becomes much more evident as described above.  The goal for beginners is to initially get to the point of feeling the Sensations of Fire and Water Qi until the Sensations naturally transform to the purer form of Yin and Yang.

©ļø Kamotion Qi-Gong

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