The 8 Sensational Experiences of Qi - Ba Chu (Eight Touches)

energy work kamotion qi-gong nei-gong neidan qi-gong Jan 02, 2024

1. Shaking\vibrating - Caused by Yang Qi or Fire Qi moving through the channels.

2. Excitement- Buzzing high feeling, a sign of Yang Qi moving at increased rates.

3. Feeling cold - This is how the body processes regions with chronic Qi Deficiency. It’s very natural and occurs typically when energetic pathogens leave the body.

4. Feeling hot - We feel more intense heat as a sign of resistance due to blocked channels, this settles to a more comfortable warmth as channels clear with continued practice.

5. Feeling light - As too much Qi moves upward into the body towards the upper dantian, it can feel unrooting as if you are floating. This is usually a sign that not enough grounding is being practiced.

6. Sinking feeling - As more Yin and water Qi build in the physical vessel, you will feel heavier and more drawn towards the ground.

7. Tight feeling - Strong Qi flow through a channel can make it feel tight temporarily. This is quite normal for beginners to feel in the first few weeks of practice.

8. Feeling soft - As the channels continue to open and release tension your body will feel softer and more slack, less tight, therefore less tension.

©ļø Kamotion Qi-Gong

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